Brad Sutton, Technical Director of the Biomedical Imaging Center and Abel Bliss Faculty Scholar in the College of Engineering, will lecture on “Ultrafast functional MRI: A tool for examining spurious correlations in fMRI connectivity” at 4:00pm on Zoom. Jennifer Walters, …
MBM Faculty Ranked as Excellent, Fall 2020
Congratulations to MBM faculty who made the Fall 2020 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students at the University of Illinois! The list is based on the ratings from the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) that students …
Recent Faculty, Trainee, Alumni Accomplishments
MBM faculty have been busy over the past few months! Here are a few highlights:
Gelson Pagan-Diaz, Karla Ramos-Cruz, and Rashid Bashir found that training neurons early in their development improved their connectivity and responsivity. Pagan-Diaz is the first author …
MBM Faculty Ranked as Excellent, Spring 2020
Congratulations to MBM faculty who made the Spring 2020 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students at the University of Illinois! The list is based on the ratings from the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) that students …
MBM Faculty Ranked as Excellent, 2019
Congratulations to MBM faculty who made the Fall 2019 List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by Their Students at the University of Illinois! The list is based on the ratings from the Instructor and Course Evaluation System (ICES) that students …
Sutton named 2019 University Scholar
Congratulations to MBM faculty Brad Sutton, who was recently named a University Scholar! The award recognizes his achievements in research, teaching, and service and is offered through the University Scholars Program, which supports outstanding faculty to help their scholarly activities. …
Brad Sutton and Rashid Bashir Lecture at Carle Foundation
MBM faculty Brad Sutton and Rashid Bashir delivered lectures at Carle Foundation Hospital September 19, 2018. The talks were part of the “Bench-to-Bedside Series,” a collaboration between the Department of Internal Medicine at Carle Foundation Hospital and the Beckman Institute, …
Brad Sutton Awarded Beckman Vision and Spirit Award
MBM faculty Dr. Brad Sutton recently received the Vision and Spirit Award from Beckman Institute during a birthday celebration of the Insitute’s founder, Arnold Beckman. The award “recognizes a researcher at the Beckman Institute who exemplifies founder Arnold Beckman’s …