2020 MBM Retreat

September 17, 2020

This year, the MBM Program will offer its annual retreat virtually. Join us on Zoom as we celebrate our third year of Miniature Brain Machinery with plenary lectures and presentations by our trainees!

Register here to receive the Zoom meeting information for joining. Your registration is free and will help us prevent zoombombing and track attendance, along with program outreach data.

Facebook event page >>

Plenary Speakers

Alysson MuotriAlysson Muotri
Professor and Director of the Stem Cell Program for the Institute for Genomic Medicine
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
Penny Burgoon
Director of the Office of Policy, Communications, and Education
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
National Institutes of Health

Na Ji
Associate Professor of Physics
University of California, Berkeley

Plenary Speaker Bios >>


8:40-9:40amTrainee Lightning Presentations
9:50-10:40amPlenary Talk: Penny Burgoon
“Translational science: career development in a developing field”
Introduction by Collin Kaufman
10:50-11:40amPlenary Talk: Na Ji
“Imaging the brain at high spatiotemporal resolution”
Introduction by Shannon Murphy
11:40am-12:00pmForage for lunch and come back for 12:00 lunch meetings
12:00-1:00pmInformal chat with speakers
External Advisory Board Meeting (Private Zoom Space)
Internal Advisory Board Meeting (Private Zoom Space)
1:10-2:00pmPlenary Talk: Alysson Muotri
“Brain Model Technology and applications in biology and engineering”
Introduction by Amanda Weiss

Plenary Talk Abstracts >>

The schedule is set to US Central time. Individual activities are subject to change. Please check this page before September 17 for the latest information.

Another view of attendees at the MBM Retreat

Learn more about our 2019 Retreat >>