Recap: 2019 MBM Retreat

Group photo of attendees at the 2019 MBM Retreat

The MBM Program held its second annual retreat September 19-20, 2019. Over the course of a day and a half, we had four plenary lectures, ten trainee lightning talks, two advisor meetings, a poster session, and a lot of engagement! …

Mikhail Kandel presents in Beckman Graduate Student Seminar

MBM Trainee Mikhail Kandel delivered one of three presentations at the second Beckman Institute Graduate Student Seminar of the spring 2019 semester on April 3. His presentation was on “Improving Contrast with Phase Shifting Interferometry” and discussed preliminary studies using …

MBM Demonstration at Beckman Open House

The MBM Program offered a demonstration booth at the Beckman Institute’s Open House March 8 and 9. Trainees Amanda Weiss and Mikhail Kandel, who are members of the MBM Student Leadership Council, led planning and preparation for this demonstration.

The …