Jorge Maldonado De-Jesus joined the MBM program on May 16, 2018, while a first-year graduate student, and is expected to graduate in 2022. His graduate program is neuroscience and he completed his undergraduate degree in applied biotechnology in the Ana …
Program Highlights, October 2019
The MBM Program started the fall 2019 semester with a bang! We have had a couple of very busy months in September and October. Now that some of the dust has settled, let’s review some highlights from the month of …
Recap: 2019 MBM Retreat
The MBM Program held its second annual retreat September 19-20, 2019. Over the course of a day and a half, we had four plenary lectures, ten trainee lightning talks, two advisor meetings, a poster session, and a lot of engagement! …
Jorge Maldonado-De Jesus teaches electrophysiology to middle schoolers
MBM Trainee Jorge Maldonado-De Jesus presented a lecture and demonstration on electrophysiology to middle school students through the Neurophysiology Bootcamp at Academy High-School in Champaign on June 27, 2019.
The demonstration on electrophysiology explained how muscle action potentials can be …
MBM at the Farmer’s Market
On June 8, trainees in the MBM Program gave up their Saturday morning to share science with the community at the Urbana Farmer’s Market. Jorge Maldonado De-Jesus coordinated the event — not just in terms of the display and volunteers, …