Jonathan Sweedler to give October 13 Frontiers Lecture

Jonathan SweedlerJonathan Sweedler, the James R. Eiszner Family Endowed Chair in Chemistry and Director of the School of Chemical Sciences at Illinois, will lecture on “Measuring the chemical mosaic of the brain: the high throughput chemical characterization of individual neuronal cells.” Sara Bell, MBM trainee and PhD student in Chemistry, will give an introduction.


The lecture is free and open to the public at 4:00pm October 13, 2021 in 2269 Beckman. The lecture is free and open to the public courtesy of the Miniature Brain Machinery Program. A Zoom option will be available; join information is listed below.


In the postgenomic era, one expects the suite of chemical players in a brain region to be known and their functions uncovered. Perhaps surprisingly, many neurochemicals remain poorly characterized and for those that are known, their localization, dynamics and function are oftentimes unknown. We have created new approaches for assaying the chemical content from individual brain cells, including mass spectrometry imaging and single cell mass spectrometry. Using these approaches, we can measure multiple classes of analytes including lipids, fatty acids, neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, among others. The single cell assays allow differences in the metabolome and peptidome from supposedly homogeneous populations of cells to be explored. Additionally, our ability to characterize the peptides in individual organelles such as the secretory dense core vesicles enables subclasses of organelles to be explored. Several applications of single cell mass spectrometry are highlighted from the discovery of unusual metabolites to the characterization of both known and previously unknown neuropeptides and peptide hormones.


Jonathan Sweedler received his BS degree in Chemistry from the University of California at Davis in 1983, and his PhD from the University of Arizona in 1989. Thereafter, he was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University before joining the faculty at Illinois in 1991. His research interests are in bioanalytical chemistry, and focus on developing new methods for assaying the chemistry occurring in nanoliter-volume samples, and applying these analytical methods to characterize the molecular forms, distribution, and dynamic release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides from a range of animal models. Professor Sweedler is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Analytical Chemistry.

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