Congratulations to our PI, Martha Gillette, for winning the 2021 Vision and Spirit Award at Beckman Institute! The annual award recognizes faculty who have fostered collaboration in their research and exemplify the vision of Arnold Beckman, the Institute’s founder.
“She’s the person who has a knack for driving researchers and their research to this road of convergence,” Jeff Moore explained during the award’s announcement on Zoom. And indeed, convergence of research and researchers is at the heart of what we do in the MBM Program.
“The Vision and Spirit Award is a vindication of my decision to sail away from the safe shore of research that I had built my career on, and out into uncharted waters of new technologies and collaborators that would enable me to engage in novel, innovative approaches to understanding the brain,” Martha was quoted in the announcement on Beckman’s website. “It was the right decision. There is nothing as exciting as novel discovery in science and engineering—seeing and deciphering what no one has known before.”
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