Rashid Bashir to give March 10 Frontiers in MBM Lecture

Rashid BashirRashid Bashir, Dean of the Grainger College of Engineering and Abel Bliss Professor of Engineering, will speak about “Forward Engineering of Cellular Systems and Biological Machines.”

The lecture is free and open to the public via Zoom at 4:00pm, March 10, 2021.


Rashid Bashir completed his PhD from Purdue University in 1992. From 1992 to 1998, he worked at National Semiconductor in the Analog/Mixed Signal Process Technology Development Group, where he was promoted to Sr. Engineering Manager. At National Semiconductor, he led the development and commercialization of four analog semiconductor process technologies. He joined Purdue University in 1998 as an Assistant Professor and was later promoted to Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Courtesy Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

In 2007, Bashir joined the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and has been the Abel Bliss Professor of Engineering and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering & Bioengineering. He was the Director of the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, a campus-wide clean room facility, from 2007 to 2013 and the Co-Director of the campus-wide Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, a “collaboratory” aimed at facilitating center grants and large initiatives around campus in the area of nanotechnology. In 2016, he was named the Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering. From 2013 to 2017, he was the head of the Bioengineering Department. From 2017 to 2018 he was the Executive Associate Dean and the Chief Diversity Officer of the new Carle-Illinois “Engineering-Based” College of Medicine at UIUC. In 2018, he was appointed as the 15th Dean of the College Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

He has authored or co-authored over 250 journal papers, over 200 conference papers and conference abstracts, and over 100 invited talks, and has been granted 45 patents. He is a fellow of 8 international professional societies (IEEE, AIMBE, AAAS, APS, IAMBE, RSC, BMES, and NAI). His research interests include bionanotechnology, BioMEMS, lab on a chip, interfacing of biology and engineering from the molecular to the tissue scale, and applications of semiconductor fabrication to biomedical engineering, all applied to solving biomedical problems. Prof. Bashir’s key technical contributions and achievements lie in the area of BioMEMS and biomedical nanotechnology, especially in the use of electrical- or mechanical-based label-free methods for detection of biological entities on a chip. In addition, he has also made key contributions to 3-D fabrication methods that can be used for tissue engineering and development of cellular systems. He has been involved in 3 startups that have licensed his technologies (BioVitesse, Inc., Daktari Diagnostics, and, most recently, Prenosis, Inc.).

In addition to leading his own research group, he was the PI on an NSF IGERT on Cellular and Molecular Mechanics and Bionanotechnology (2009-2016) and PI on an NIH Training Grant on Cancer Nanotechnology (2009-2016). He is also the campus lead and Co-PI on an NSF Science and Technology Center (STC) on Emergent Behavior of Integrated Cellular Systems (headquartered at MIT, with partners at Georgia Tech and UIUC) (2009-2015, and renewed for another 5 years 2015-2020). He was also Deputy Director of the NSF Nanobio Node of the NcN (Network for Computational Nanotechnology). He also served on the external advisory board of the NIH-funded P41 BioMEMS Resource Center at Harvard/MGH and the NIH-funded Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence at Stanford University, and on various editorial boards.

He holds the Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, tenured appointment in bioengineering, and affiliate appointments in electrical and computer engineering, mechanical science and engineering, materials science and engineering, and molecular and integrative physiology.

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